Claudia Fung

Brand & Product Designer

Currently designing @ AREA 17.
Open for collaborations ︎

Calm App

Calm was founded on May 4, 2012 by Michael Acton Smith and Alex Tew. Calm produces meditation products, including guided meditations, a book, narrated  Sleep Stories, and health and meditation videos. Their primary product is the meditation app, available on iPhone and Android devices.

︎ See Calm Rebrand for main project ︎︎︎

Solo Project, UI/UX, Visual Identity, Illustration

Figma, After Effects


How might we create a meditation product that feels less like a tool, more like a companion?

Mission Statement:

The rebrand aims to provide a stress-free experience for users. By leveraging daily check-ins and filtering keywords from each entry, the system can curate content most meaningful to the individual user. Additionally, the revamped app emphasizes the importance of setting long-term goals. It visualizes past data and shows progress within current programs, enabling users to track their journey toward achieving their objectives.

︎︎︎Competitor Analysis

︎︎︎ Key Insights & Solutions

︎︎︎ User Flow & Sketches

︎︎︎ How Might We

Showing the three major timestamps, from beginning of the day, to end of day; from daily check-in, to listening, and reviewing progress. 

︎︎︎ Design System

View more details on Calm Rebrand Project.

Special Thanks: Instructor Roy Tatum