Pico Project
An exhibition & experience design project to promote local cultural assets in the Pico neighborhood in Santa Monica, combining digital and analog experience.
︎ Also see Bergamot Arts Center
Experience Design, Visual Identity, Generative Design
InDesign, Processing, Figma, Blender, Cinema4D, Adobe Aero (AR tool)
Experience Design, Visual Identity, Generative Design
InDesign, Processing, Figma, Blender, Cinema4D, Adobe Aero (AR tool)
Visual System & Posters

The Pico Project is a community walking tour facilitated by the Bergamot Arts Center, with the main goal of promoting local art, cultural artifacts, and murals in the Pico neighborhood located in Santa Monica.

︎︎︎ Part 01: Pico Timeline
Before the walking tour, visitors can learn more about the history of murals and cultural assets in the neighborhood through the website. The timeline highlights how art has evolved in the community over the past 60 years.
︎︎︎ Part 02: Virtual Mural

︎︎︎ Part 03: Postcard Generator
As the final part of the walking tour, visitors can generate a souvenir postcard with a collection of the locations they visited. The postcard generator, created in Processing, allows visitors to customize the number of pictures, the size of each square unit, and the colors of the squares, ultimately exporting a unique postcard.

︎︎︎Next Step
Expand touchpoints in virtual muralVisitors can find gain access to videos such as the artmaking process of the mural, or significant short documentary or interview related to the location they are visiting. An app will be developed for visitors to search and view the cultural map as well as finding additional information of the AR mural.
Explore AR wayfinding system to help user to find locationWhile doing field research in the Pico neighborhood, I find out murals or smaller cultural artworks are often hidden in unexpected places, the AR wayfinding system can help visitors to find the next location, and also see nearby locations in real time.
Bridging the walking tour to exhibition experience in Bergamot Arts CenterBringing the project to the next step, another goal for the Pico Project is serving as a community achieve and platform for collaboration in the area. An exhibition will showcase the cultural map, as well as contribution of photos and participating from the community.
Testing various methods and cube sizes to see how visitors can view different sides of the cube and how information can be distributed in analog & digital forms.

Special Thanks: Instructor Brad Bartlett, instructor Roy Tatum, instructor Ivan Cruz, mentor Jade Milan