Seed Grocery
Seed is an innovative system that encourages people to dine and shop efficiently, especially targeting the needs of plant-based eaters and various users with special dietary needs. It allows users to easily navigate, shop smartly, and enjoy delicious meals on the go.
UI/UX, Visual Identity
Figma, After Effects
UI/UX, Visual Identity
Figma, After Effects
How might we create an intuitive grocery shopping experience for people with special dietary needs?
Mission Statement
Seed's mission is to enhance the plant-based shopping experience; Seed welcomes and encourages users to shop, eat, and serves as a companion to inspire them with fresh meal ideas. Seed is for anyone who is currently on their plant-based journey or interested to know more about the plant-based lifestyle.
Seed's mission is to enhance the plant-based shopping experience; Seed welcomes and encourages users to shop, eat, and serves as a companion to inspire them with fresh meal ideas. Seed is for anyone who is currently on their plant-based journey or interested to know more about the plant-based lifestyle.
The smart grocery store + grocerant system invites visitors to taste and acquire fresh ingredients, sparking inspiration for innovative meal concepts.

Grocery Store
User can add ingredients from recipe directly
- Shoppers can search for the exact/similar recipe of the dish they wish to make, and add the ingredients in one-click
- Category system helps shoppers to identify ingredients they want to add
Guided shopping with the smart cart
- Syncing the mobile system to the smart cart, the smart cart will help shopper navigate to the area of each item
- When shopper place item in cart, it would show up on the system; when checking out, the shopper simply can exit and checked out all the items in cart


Find best matched meal ideas to your diet
- Shopper can try meals made with ingredients they can purchase in store, and find recipe on the app
Sync with smart tray to get real time price quote
- Through the smart tray, shopper can get current price on the plate to curate a meal base on their budget

Find seat and socialize with other shoppers
- Shopper can exchange meal idea with other shoppers at the grocerant

︎︎︎ Primary User Research
The research mainly focuses on the current needs of younger customers on grocery shopping and how they see the use of technology can be helpful to the shopping experience.

Interview Highlights
- Bonding: Having friend on plant-based diet do help finding your
to-go options when you are new to the subject.
- Stay Open-minded: Because of the restrictions
and label they will have to carry, make it less likely to learn more about the subject.
- Customizable:
There is no one big reason that hold people back from
pursuing the diet. A lot has to do with their personal
background such as budget and family habit.
- Educational: People are are unsure about the other types of diet such ovo/ lacto/raw vegetarian, or the less restricted flexitarian.
︎︎︎ Context Research
Market Data
The statistics shows the rapid growth of profit in the plant-based food market in the past 3 years—it is also relatively more popular in youngerpopulation because of the information on Veganism on social media.
Market Potential
“The Vegan Food market size was valued at $14.2 billion in 2018 and is expected to reach $31.4 billion by 2026, registering a CAGR of 10.5% from 2019 to 2026.”

Market Oppurtnity
To narrow down the scope, I have decided to narrow down to one of the most common challenge interviewee faced when approaching a plant based diet: shopping for ingredients Research also shows eating-out serves as an inspiration for people to replicate they meal they like.
To narrow down the scope, I have decided to narrow down to one of the most common challenge interviewee faced when approaching a plant based diet: shopping for ingredients Research also shows eating-out serves as an inspiration for people to replicate they meal they like.

︎︎︎ Painpoints

︎︎︎ Design Criteria

Seed is a system that encourage people to dine and shop efficiently especially targeted to the needs of plant-based eaters and various users with special dietary needs, easily navigate, shop smartly and enjoy delicious meals on the go.
The system should suggest personalized options for user to find the suitable product according to their health goal.
The system should inspire user to try out new products and meal to provide fresh ideas for cooking.
︎︎︎SKU Matrix
Dividing the grocery process into four major parts, I have brainstormed methods to find value across low tech to high tech methods, baring in mind if using high tech actually add in value to the user experience.

︎︎︎Posture Studies
I have went on a field research to the grocery store to test on usage of dexterity, cognition, and perception. I discovered during the process of shopping, shoppers usually have use both of their hands and overloaded with perception when searching for items.

︎︎︎System Overview
After research on usage of posture & various technical methods, I have created a system which can sync with the central mobile app system. In complex scenrio during shopping, shoppers will be guided by live view with the smart cart to locate ingredients and suggest item they may be interested.

︎︎︎User Flow

︎︎︎User Scenario

Shopping cart:

︎Next Step
- Creative live size prototype to test usability for gesture such as tapping
- Discovering more peer-to-peer technology
- Exploring options for shoppers to suggest and contribute to recipes
- Right now the system is more for “intentional shoppers”, I also want to explore how might the system improve experience for “go-with-the-flow shoppers”.

Special Thanks: Instructor Brian Boyl, mentor Jade Milan